As we are on the steep climb of Keaton's senior year about to catapult full-tilt towards graduation this spring, I am feeling the gravity of it.
Every day gets us closer to launching him into the world.
A huge part of his high school experience has revolved around his participation in cross-country. When he started four years ago, as a family, we knew very little about this incredible sport. Now, ask John about the splits and projections of any race and he will spout stats with the best of them. Me? I cheer with my whole heart and soul. Trust me, I leave it all out on the course for each and every race.

Keaton's cross journey has been a marvel to watch. He clawed his way to the 6th man slot on varsity his freshman year cementing his drive and passion for distance running. From there, after a heartbreaking end to his sophomore season as the team fell short of qualifying for state regionals, he doubled-down and trained harder for the next one. Junior year he was named captain and remains so for his final, senior season. He has hit running goals along the way but his growth and maturity as a leader is what has inspired me the most.

When this season started I felt a little lost at his early meets. The pressure of it all being over loomed so large in my mind it seemed to block out the sun of enjoyment. I had to name it out loud and the sadness of saying goodbye to cross-country lessened a bit. It allowed me to be present for the good that was still in front of me like the highlight of being able to watch him have the kick of his life on a tough course. I simply watch the footage from this race of him thundering down the last leg of the track whenever I need a pick-me-up.
I will be able to say farewell to this season of our life because of the following:
The peace of being a witness to all of it as I was there for every stride, let-down, and victory
Appreciation for the lessons he learned throughout knowing they will serve him well in his next chapter
Gratitude for his limitless possibilities ahead
Having the self-awareness to honor my sadness as it all draws to a close

In all honesty as the sands of time dwindle on my experience as a stay-at-home Mom, I am not quite convinced I will do anything as valuable as raising my boys. In this uncertainty, I groom my dogs like crazy (yes! this is why Oakley is so fluffy, he has been combed within an inch of his life!) and I flip open my laptop to write my way through it. I imagine my future will be similar to my blog post writing; starts in one place and ends up somewhere completely different and unexpected.

Thanks for being part of my journey.
I remain forever grateful that you are here with me.
Inward & Onward,

Amen, definitely an emotional time seeing our kids leave the nest. We know how u feeling ;)
Tell Keaton congrats on Cross Country & good luck to track in the spring. I believe no matter what the sport it teaches our kids as well as us behind what we imagine. Keep embracing his senior year 💜